Tuesday, February 28, 2006 

Superfood: Walnuts

posted by Kamil

Juglans (with 21 different species)

You rarely see whole walnuts in the stores these days; most of the time they have already been shelled. I think half the fun of eating walnuts was cracking them open and scouring the shell for the tid bits you could get out. Occassionally, you would get the one that came out perfectly shaped like a little brain.

Why are walnuts a superfood?
  • Highly concentrated protein
  • Contain plant sterols
  • It can help reduce the incidence of the following
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
Nuts in general contain alot of omega-3's, which are well known to help thin blood, help with flow and prevention of clots in vessel walls. Of all the nuts, walnuts have the highest overall antioxidant activity.